We’re getting a very exciting new addition to the DVS pharmacy in the near future: an automated in-house fecal egg counter! 🙌
Due to popular demand for inhouse fecal counts, we bring you Parasight! 👏🏻
This automated fecal egg counter uses fluorescence and smartphone technology to deliver rapid and accurate fecal egg counts; and will allow us to offer this service at a highly affordable price point.
As many of our followers are aware, we have a major problem with parasite resistance to dewormers in our horse population. Resistance and early indicators of resistance have been detected in every class of dewormer we have available to us. As such, we are trying to move away from frequent blanket deworming and developing more targeted deworming strategies. To that end, we have encouraged our clients to submit manure for regular fecal egg counts, and while many of you have been eager to jump on board, the cost and hassle of performing regular fecals have been a barrier to compliance for all of us.
Acquiring this in-house fecal egg counter will allow us to offer you a convenient and low-cost  method of generating roundworm and strongyle egg counts, as  well as post-deworming egg counts to monitor for resistance. And, finally, to start building a database of local trends in resistance patterns for best informed recommendations on deworming to our clients.
Stay tuned we will let you know when we’re ready for you to bring in your poop! 😉